Christmas 2009.

Every year, I have no idea how it started, but we open our gifts on Christmas Eve. Not all of them, but most.

Christmas Inventory 2009 :

- Green Snuggie type blanket that buttons up into a house coat. (Grandparents.)
- Foot pedicure set. (Grandparents.)
- Amazing black microfiber body pillow. It's beautiful. (Grandparents.)
- Two boxes of my favourite chocolate. Milk Chocolate Lindors. (Grandparents.)
- Nikon D90. I almost started to cry as I unwrapped it. (Parents.)
- 55m - 155 lense? I can't remember right now. (Parents.)
- 4G memory card for my new baby. (Parents.)
- Polarized filter for my lense. (Parents.)
- Henry's 100th anniversary photography bag. (Parents.)
- French Manicure, French Pedicure, Sea Salt foot scrub, Eye brow waxing. (Parents.)

continued tomorrow...

- $100 Christmas bonus from my boss.
- $125 (Dad, Marie)
- Awesome smelling apple candle. (Dad, Marie)
- Flannel PJs (Dad, Marie)
- Hairspray. (Aunty Mickey, Tony)
- 2 Beautiful colours in Nail polish. (Aunty Mickey, Tony)
- Horse date book. (Aunty Mickey, Tony)
- Beautiful purse / wallet (Uncle Ricky, Natasha)
- Mascara (Uncle Ricky, Natasha)
- $50 (Dad's Side Grandparents)
- Christmas cookies (Aunty Mickey, Tony)
- Wacom Tablet (Parents)
- 1 terabyte external hard drive. (Boyfriend)
- Beautiful scarf. (Boyfriend)
- Handmade from Nova Scotian sea glass necklace and earrings. (Boyfriend)
- $30 movie money (Logan)
- Chia Pet (logan)
- $50 (Aunt Liz)
- $15 itunes money (Cory, Alisha)
- Friendship picture frame (Jason)
- Shampoo (Parents)
- New Jewlery box (Parents)
- Pj and housecoat set (Boyfriend's Parents)
- Vagina Monologues book (Catherine)

My family is an amazing bunch of people, I really couldn't ask for a better family. I love them so much and I know I don't show it enough. Which brings me to my new years resolution(s) :

Be nicer to my family, do more house work to help out, verbally tell them how appreciative I am for everything they have done and continue to do for me. Tell them I love them more.

Speaking of New Years -Scott and I were going to go to the Casino. Then I realized I'd have to wander around and find a dress of some sort. I hate wearing dresses. We've [I] decided that we're going to spend the night at his place and rent a movie and probably stuff our faces with greasy food of some sort and just spend some actual time together. Time that doesn't just involve sleeping or him driving me places.

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